Wednesday, March 12, 2008


My post today is pretty much just a venting session. We are too busy. I like being busy because ultimately I am so much more productive, but there is a fine line where it's just too much. The good thing is that Eldon is in town. That would definitely throw a wrench in things if he were gone. I can tell that it's affecting Max a bit. He doesn't seem as grounded as he could be. For example, next week I have two nights dedicated to church meetings that I HAVE to go to. I think I am going to take Good Friday off just because everybody around here does, and declare it a fun day with the kids. I just need them, and I know they need me. I try to do as much during the work hours as possible so when I go home I'm home with them. I am thrilled that the days are going to be longer again. It was so wonderful to have daylight right until they had to go to bed so we could be at the park until 7:45 at night. I have nothing to complain about, so many others have so much more on their plate, it just gets to me at times. The talk by Elder Oaks about Good, Better, Best is a home run for us right now. I have just learned that sacrifice comes with every state in life. If you are happy, there is still something you have to give up so that you are happy. ANYWAY!!!! Life is really good. I just need to get rid of some things but they are all the fun things!!!


Jessica said...

Trish, you are busy! I know that for someone who loves their kids so much and wants to just be their very best it is hard to do it all. You are doing great though, and I know your kids have a lot of love in their lives. Don't give up all your fun things or you'll be too keyed up to give your kids what they need. Hats off to you for your juggling act, and I hope things lighten up for you soon.

Emilia said...

I swear that ever since I gave that talk in Sacrament Meeting, life has only become more hectic! How does that work?

We appreciate everything you do, Trish.