Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The long awaited pictures

So here are a few pictures from the last two weeks. I have been trying to get them on here but have been a bit busy!!
Here is Baby Claire in the hospital with Dad. She is two days old.

Here is her going home outfit and us getting ready to leave the hospital.

Here is the nursery that she came home too. Thank you to her Aunt Paola for the letters on the wall.

With every baby, Eldon always has flowers for me when I get home. I thought these were GORGEOUS! You can see the U2 lullaby CD and the perfume. He is so awesome!

Our kids. Including puddles.

Claire at one week old.

Claire today at 2 weeks and 3 days.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Things I've learned

I will post new pictures tonight but I thought I would take some time to write a few thoughts. In this last week I have definitely had some life lessons. First, I love being a mom. I have had this overwhelming feeling of gratitude this week. I know it's the high that comes after having a baby, but I think my favorite time of the day is either at dinner when all five of us are together, or right before bed when we are all sitting on our bed together. I am so grateful to have my little family. Eldon has been amazing. The other night I walked past Claire's room and there he was rocking her with "Claire De Lune" playing. When I got home from the hospital, he had the most beautiful flower arrangement on the table in her room with the coolest Pottery Barn Touch Lamp, new perfume that he finds irresistable (very nice to be irrestable when you have just had a baby), and a CD with the Lullaby renditions of U2 songs. Oh how Claire and I will rock to the lullaby version of "Sunday Bloody Sunday." He is the most thoughtful husband ever.

I have learned that the peace in the house stems from mom. If I am mellow, everyone else is. If I get nervous or stressed, everyone else is. So I am on the mellow train.

I have learned that not all anatomy is created equal and I am ok with that. I know we were reserved for the last days for many reasons. For me, it was so I could use formula.

I have learned that privacy is a luxury.

I have learned that taking the time to smell and cuddle a newborn baby will take away any ailment, bad thought, difficult time, anything. It is pure bliss.

I have learned that looking at my daughter is looking at my twin and that is scary. I love to say daughter.

I have very very kind and wonderful friends.

So just a few thoughts. I have been absent for awhile because believe it or not, I have LOVED not being on the computer this past week. FREEDOM!