Friday, March 27, 2009


I'm finding it very interesting that I am actually feeling more rested, stronger, and happy these days. I mean it's only been two days of it and the wind could change at any minute, but I'm going to enjoy it! I've had the thought that maybe I'm nesting? Aren't you supposed to get a burst of energy right before? But that is crazy talk. I have a cleaning lady and don't need to clean. By the way, I will no longer have her after the baby is born and I am SO SAD!! I LOVE HER! My vacuum has cobwebs on it.

Another interesting thing is that today is the last day my kids will go to the Washburns for daycare. It's crazy! They have been such a blessing in our lives. They have truly taken in the kids like they are their own and my kids have loved it. I have never worried if they were being cared for or if they needed anything. Even more, I have loved getting to know Ben and Kristine better. They are going to be life-long friends. I hope to be able to raise my kids they way they are raising theirs. Jackson has been with them since he was about 10 months old. He is going to have a transition for sure.

Change is always good, but can also be an interesting time. It may happen that I will have to work again and the kids will go back to the Washburns but really we hope that this is a done deal. Now it can be play dates at our house and Kristine can have a break! It's exciting to look forward to the unknown. I have found if you don't get excited about it, you get worried about it and worrying does nothing but take years off your life. Jump forward through life with excitement, faith and courage and usually it all works itself out.


Valerie said...

I totally feel you. When it's time for me to stay home I'll be excited but I feel like I will miss working.