Monday, March 30, 2009

My creative husband

One may say that this is why I married my husband. I have to say that this is a very strong bonus! If he weren't so wonderful in so many other ways, I guess I could lean on this, but this is just an added bonus. He has a motto that I have been forced to adopt. "A little bit of effort goes a long way." I used to kick and scream and say, no one really needs all the extra. But I have found it really does make a difference and I love him for it. Plus, this type of thing could make us a lot of money some day. He needs the practice!! Love you honey.

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My kids are so lucky! About two weeks ago, they got taken out by both sets of Grandparents. I was lucky as a little girl to be the oldest Grandchild on both sides and new my grandparents very well. I was so happy to see that for now they have very healthy grandparents who want to spend time with them. I took this picture because I think it's so important for them to know how much they are loved. They got to go to Bob Evans for dinner (the boys favorite) and then to play at McDonalds.

Thanks Grandmas and Grandpas!!

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Here is my attempt to be artistic. I'm really trying to do more "outside of the box" things.

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Friday, March 27, 2009


I'm finding it very interesting that I am actually feeling more rested, stronger, and happy these days. I mean it's only been two days of it and the wind could change at any minute, but I'm going to enjoy it! I've had the thought that maybe I'm nesting? Aren't you supposed to get a burst of energy right before? But that is crazy talk. I have a cleaning lady and don't need to clean. By the way, I will no longer have her after the baby is born and I am SO SAD!! I LOVE HER! My vacuum has cobwebs on it.

Another interesting thing is that today is the last day my kids will go to the Washburns for daycare. It's crazy! They have been such a blessing in our lives. They have truly taken in the kids like they are their own and my kids have loved it. I have never worried if they were being cared for or if they needed anything. Even more, I have loved getting to know Ben and Kristine better. They are going to be life-long friends. I hope to be able to raise my kids they way they are raising theirs. Jackson has been with them since he was about 10 months old. He is going to have a transition for sure.

Change is always good, but can also be an interesting time. It may happen that I will have to work again and the kids will go back to the Washburns but really we hope that this is a done deal. Now it can be play dates at our house and Kristine can have a break! It's exciting to look forward to the unknown. I have found if you don't get excited about it, you get worried about it and worrying does nothing but take years off your life. Jump forward through life with excitement, faith and courage and usually it all works itself out.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


I am now down to weekly Dr. appointments. I am dilated to 1 cm and 70% efaced. We are on our way. Now I know that I will probably go on my due date instead of early and I guess that is ok, but really it would be better to go earlier.

I also found a great new pillow set up to help me sleep better. It's just the little things you know?

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy BIrthday Jackson!!

Happy Birthday Buddy!! Jackson is so full of life. He was by far the easiest delivery ever. I went to the Dr. at 38 weeks for my check up and they said, "Oh my, you are dilated to a 5!" I have no idea how that happened, but I was thrilled. 0-5 Centimeters with Max was awful!! They said, just go to the hospital when you are ready and they won't turn you away. So the next day we went. I was still at a 5. They gave me the penicillan for Beta Strep. The nurse said that the anasthesiologist would be going into surgery so if I wanted an epidural, I needed to have one then. I said, "Shouldn't I at least feel one labor pain?" They said, "WHY?" So I said, OK! I got the epidural, they broke my water and within the hour and two pushes, out he came!! 6lbs, 7 oz. TONS OF HAIR!! I mean, TONS OF HAIR.

The things I love about Jack is that he is so full of life but still has a sensitive side. He is all boy, but doesn't like you to be mad at him. He teases his brother relentlessly. He loves to be read to. He loves McDonald's chicken nuggets, fries, and of course RANCH DRESSING. He wakes up asking for candy. He goes to bed asking for cookies. Everyday when I drop him off, he comes running to me and says "HUGS AND KISSES. MAX TOO." He is so much fun and is definitely entering the terrible 3's. He looks just like his dad, and then he will give me a look that is my Grandpa Fred. I am so grateful that he is mine.

Here is his excited face this morning on his birthday. Happy #3 Birthday Jackson!!

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Monday, March 16, 2009


I have to remind myself as to why the third trimester is so yucky. I guess it is so you will go through anything to get the kid out! I'm there and I have way too much time left. I have always worked up to the day of having the baby. Hmmm I'm rethinking that this time. Maybe it's because I'm 35 and too old to do everything I used to? Maybe it's because I'm a wuss? Maybe it's because I am just plain tired. Exhausted really. The Braxton-Hicks are becoming more real and actually hurt. So last night I got in the tub at 10:30 pm and 2 am. My tub is more of a trough. I have to squeeze myself into it. I often think my back will never be the same again. It has to be broken right?

So to stop the complaining, I have to say WHY again? I try to remember those moments when I first met Max and Jack. They were amazing. I'm holding on to the moment of meeting Claire. I'm trying to come up with the types of photo shots I need Eldon to take when she comes. It keeps my mind off of everything else. I'm trying to not feel guilty when the logged Lego Star Wars time is multiple hours a day instead of the 1 hour we are working toward. But when you are this tired and sore, some things have to go right?

My mother is wonderful. She is there to help however and whenever it makes sense. My sister is actually doing my errands for me for Jackson's birthday tomorrow. Very grateful am I!

I have amazing friends who are so good to step in at a moments notice. I'm very lucky, just tired and really pregnant!

Thanks for the whining session!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

It smells like eggs

Warning the following content is a bit edgy and borderline gross.

So Jackson has had, to put it delicately, a very active intestinal track lately. I had just changed a messy diaper before we left for the day. We got into the car to head to Kristine's and I smelled something again. I asked Jackson if he was stinky again and he just said, "Hmmm." Max then pipes up and said, "Mom, he is because his poop smells like eggs, and this smells like eggs." I was totally laughing and at the same time thinking, I can never eat eggs again.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

I am now officially a geek

I just found out that I am getting the coolest hard drive you can have free from work. Here are the specs.

Western Digital 300G 10000 RPM Velociraptor SATA Hard Drive

Cache: 16MB
Form Factor: 3.5"
Average Latency: 5.5ms
Features: Rotary Acceleration Feed Forward (RAFF) - Optimizes operation and performance when the drives are used in vibration-prone, multi-drive chassis. NoTouch ramp load technology - The recording head never touches the disk media ensuring significantly less wear to the recording head and media as well as better drive protection in transit.
This thing SCREAMS!! Average boot time is less than 6 seconds and shut down is less than that. The internet pops. It is very fun. I really just like the fact that it is called a Velociraptor. It is as mean as it sounds. VERY COOL.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Bachelor

So I was so disappointed last night. We have not watched the Bachelor all season but we recorded the season finale because we had watched the Bachelorette when Jason was dissed. I kind of like that when you already know all about the guy. We watched it and our recording went into just 2 minutes of the "After the final rose" show. We just got to the point where he was explaining things and it cut out!!! We were dying and ran upstairs to the laptop to try and watch it online. Can I just say, what a moron!! You could tell he was sincere with all the "tears" but come on!! I thought Melissa was awesome. She handled it so well. I did enjoy the drama, but felt like I was watching a soap opera. Jason should check into that gig real quick!!


Good Excuses

Last night we were saying prayers with the boys before bed. Max said his and then we said, "Jack it's your turn." He then said, "I can't, I'm sick." We started laughing and asked him again and he said, "Be quiet I'm trying to sleep!" Needless to say, we eventually got him to do it, but we were chuckling the whole time.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I craved this for Max. He is a relatively healthy eater!

I craved these with Max and Jack. Since I didn't crave anything healthy, he is a garbage gut.

I have craved Faygo "GRAPE" soda with Baby girl and so I can only imagine what type of eating habits she is going to have. It's really yummy.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Anyone could confuse the two

When asked in primary who this prophet was, Max was unusally excited to know the answer!
Chancellor Palpatine of course!!

Really anyone could mix the two up right?