Friday, October 17, 2008


So for a very long time I thought that Max was exactly like his dad. It wasn't until yesterday that I realized that he does have an even share of us. He is still performing shows in the Shower and that can only be attributed to Eldon. But yesterday I was going to go get a birthday present for Ammon Washburn. For those of you who are not from around here, he is a boy who lives where they are babysat everyday. He is turning 9. Max explained to me that I needed to go to Costco and get the new Star wars video game for the play station 2. It was in the orange box, not the red one. I realized right away what he was doing. Every morning, Max and Jack are the only kids at home because all of Kristine's kids are in school. Max has free reign over the play station while they are gone. They have an older Star Wars game that he plays all the time, but he was very interested in the new one where Darth Vader has a new apprentice. He has been dreaming of becoming that role since he was 3. So the long story short, Max wanted to give a gift that would truly benefit himself. That all comes from his Mom.


Mandy said...

ha ha ha! That is great!

Jessica said...

Ah Max, the dark side would be proud.