Monday, October 20, 2008

It Finally Happened

I was finally released as RS President yesterday. I have been ready for a few months trying to hang on and not be burned out. It was really rewarding to spend the last few days thinking about everything that has happened and all that I have learned. It was also so sweet what people had to say yesterday. I do feel a huge burden removed, but I still think about people and wonder how they are doing etc. The thing I love about these callings in the church is that they are temporary. You are in the middle of it for a period of time and then just like that, you are done and doing something totally different. I remember this feeling from my mission where it was much more difficult to be released, but it was very much the same.

When Max heard I was going to be in Primary, he was SO excited. That is was what sealed it for me. They have sacrificed time with their mom over these past three years. He was so excited that I would be in Primary with him and not teaching the ladies as he put it. During dinner, Jackson said the prayer and in the middle he stopped and said, "mom do you have a meeting?" When I said no, he just grinned. The fact that a two year old even knows what a meeting is means it's time.

This has been a very challenging time for me over the past three years. When I was called, I was pregnant with Jackson, working, but from home and I thought it wouldn't get any busier. I then had some time at home and I actually felt like a real RS President. Then I had to go back to work and keep going. I think that was the lowest part for me. I now wouldn't have time for the Sisters and I was losing time with my kids. But it is amazing how it all works out over time.

Now I am looking forward at baby number three, Eldon has actually received the promotion we were hoping for three years ago and I am really going to quit. The Lord has blessed me with the abillity to prioritize, delegate, and to pray for help for those who I cannot physically be there for. I have seen amazing things happen through this time and look forward to the challenges and blessings of the future.

If I thought this was my last go at the RS President job, I would be seriously naive. But if it is, then I feel good about what I was able to accomplish, with of course a few regrets. I didn't have a newsletter, or a visiting teaching conference once in three years. But if anyone really feels deprived about it, I will pass that on to Emilia who I am sure will do a fabulous job.


kmon said...

Trish - I had no idea about the big release from RS. That is great news. You've put your all into that calling and it was time to pass the baton. Primary rules, that is where all the action is. Lis told me about Eldon's job. Now it's official, he deserves it, and he will kick some serious A. You guys are awesome, we are stoked for you both. Can't wait for another nephew/niece?!?

Eli Bowman said...

You did a great job, Trish. Blessings will follow you for a while because of your service.

Joe and Liz said...

I remember when you were our RS Pres at BYU. I'm sure your ward will miss you, but it's nice you feel so good about it and your kids will love being with you more. Since I've been in the Primary presidency I've seen how much work and stress callings can be. I'd never really experienced that before...and my girls definitly know about all those meetings!! Anyways I'm glad it will be a nice change for you. You'll love being in Primary too and being able to watch your kids. That's my favorite part of my calling.

Emilia said...

I know I sure miss having you as RS president already, Trish. ;)

Whit and Steve said...

Yeah, I'm sure this isn't your last go at RS president! I'm sure you were great. You were great at BYU, when I was your "keeper of the table cloth" and I'm sure you were even better now!! I remember the day I was released as the YW president right before we made our move out this way. It was bitter sweet, I had only been in there for a little over a year and I was loving the girls and the opportunity to serve them! I cried all through sacrament meeting after it had happened (pregnancy hormones I'm sure), I was sad to leave that calling, but also sad to say bye to everyone too. But on the other hand, I remember being totally relieved and feeling the weight lifted too. That's great you'll be able to be in primary with the boys!! I'm sure you will LOVE that and it will be a good change for you!!

Jessica said...

Tricia, you did more than you think. I'm continually amazed at your ability to just keep going and stay pretty cool about it. I think a big part of being RS President too is having someone in the position who makes people feel comfortable, loved, and like they belong. You are great at that. I think you were the right person for the job for the last 3 years, and I'm glad you get to rest now.

Fancy Nancy said...

I bet you are so relieved! I don't know how you did it working, with little kids and now expecting! WOW! By the way, when is your due date?

Drostan and Jennifer said...

Oh hun, I know how you feel! You were just what the ward needed and I know you did a fabulous job. I'm so happy for you guys and that baby #3 is on the way. How wonderful. Give those kids a hug from me, even though I know they don't remember me. :-)