Thursday, September 4, 2008

Jack the shopper

This story was relayed to me by Kristine Washburn who watches my kids while I am at work. Yesterday she just had Jackson at home with her and so she took him shopping at Kohls with her. While she was trying on clothes, Jack would say..."ooooh Cute!" Eldon has always been a fantastic shopper. I would have to say if I have any clothes that have been successful, either he has helped me pick them out or has brought them home for me. In fact when Eldon and I were dating I took him shopping with me all the time to pick out new outfits for my job. He has a fantastic eye and is a good sport to help me.

So to Jackson, although most men don't enjoy shopping, I think it's wonderful if you do and you will one day make your wife very happy as your dad has me.


Emilia said...

I took my boys shopping with me while looking for a formal dress. They can now look at a dress and critique it as being "too mother-of-the-bride".

I'm so proud.

Charles said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jessica said...

Okay the previous deleted comment was me. I had accidentally commented under Charles name, saying that a good male shopper is an awesome thing, and I wish my husband would do that for me because I need it. It sounded like a really weird comment if it was coming from Charles.

Brown and Serve said...

Hello Gales! Found your blog through a friend. Adam Has done the same for me. He always picks things out that I would never even take a second look at, and yet are great. I love that part.