Thursday, May 22, 2008

American Idol Disappointment

Unfortunately, I get a little too wrapped up into the TV shows I am watching. From the beginning of American Idol season 7, I have been cheering for David Archuletta. When he forgot his words on the Beatles night, I voted for him 15 times to help him stay in. I have to say after the final night I thought he had it in the bag! He totally out sang and performed David Cook. Who knew that Cook was so popular? When they announced the winner, our DVR quit right after they said "The winner is David....." We had to quickly turn the DVR off so we could try and see who won. I was flabberghasted! I was disappointed with last years winner as well. So I have been asking myself of late, "Am I that out of touch with the pulse of popular culture in America?" All I have to say is if David Archuletta puts out an album, I WILL BUY IT!!!! I will not buy David Cooks. I'm sure I'll hear enough of him on the radio. So now we are onto "SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE!!"


Emmy said...

Trish - what did you think of "so you think you can dance?" I am a HUGE fan of the show, but missed it because our TIVO had Divine Design prioritized over it. Urghgh. Anyway, my mom said the judges were obnoxiously rude - what was your take?
p.s. I loved both Davids, but I was shocked at the results. I totallly thought Archuleta won the night. I just really hope he makes a Christmas album. I will buy it in a second!

kmon said...

I know you asked for Trish's opinion but since I am your best friend I am going to give you mine! I think So You Think you can dance is fantastic. I have watched it since the first season and they have so many crazy people on it that I think they get tired of the weirdos. Like one of the guys name is Gold Inferno and he wears a wrestling mask and just hops around. then this other guy danced in his underwear and it was really gross. I love you!

Kathryn the Great said...

Hi Trish: Regarding American Idol, my DVR did the same thing with "The winner is David...", except it almost sounded like the "K" sound right as it turned off and I was really hoping that Ryan was just clearing his throat, but alas. I really was pretty down all the next day about the whole thing. I will definitely be buying David Archuleta's albums.

-Kathryn Moneysmith