Monday, January 4, 2010

What I DO like about this cold weather

So it has been cold here lately. REALLY COLD. All in all, it's not my favorite but there are a few things that are actually better because of it.

1. My Diet Coke in the garage is so cold it actually becomes a slushy. It is amazing. I love it. I crave it and highly recommend it. It also doesn't take up space in the fridge!

2. It's actually ok to stay in and cuddle up to watch a movie, read a book etc.

3. Our front door has a window pane in it and when you look out, it is so pretty with the white snow everywhere.

4. The kids want to hold my hand as we go places so they won't fall. I love the feeling of those little hands in mine. It's precious.

I could only come up with four things, but they are pretty good things don't you think?


Beth said...

Good call Trish. I was totally going to post something similar today with my number one being the same as your number one. Yummy.

kmon said...

I'm with ya on #1 and #2, except I would use a different word than cuddle... because I try to use that word as little as possible.

becca said...

That's 4 more than I can think of...