So Max's spring break was a week ago. We had big plans to go to Washington D.C. and see our great cousins there. Everyone was so excited. We were leaving on Wednesday afternoon and coming home Sunday. Tuesday night, the first fever hit along with a headache that put little Jack into a sleep coma. We rushed off to urgent care for drugs and Strep diagnosis and thought we could get down the road and he would be treated for 24 hours by the time we got there. But then, Wednesday the second fever hit and then the snot. Oh the snot. Everyone was down for a a couple days. It was a sad spring break. I had the car packed as well as the suit cases. But finally we were able to get out of the house to go to the zoo on Friday for an hour. It was cold, but no one was there so we didn't infect anyone, and the kids could see everything. We have rescheduled our trip to D.C. over Memorial Day. Hopefully all the fevers, sore throat's, sniffles and coughs will be gone by then. This week is Jack's spring break from Preschool. We will do our best to live it up while we are all feeling better.