Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I have a Boooken Leg

So the Gale family has been experiencing some drama as of late. I guess it started with Eldon and I getting Strep throat the week after Thanksgiving. The next week I got a crazy cold and it knocked me out. Last Sunday, I heard a few loud thumps and a scream while I was on the phone with my sister. As I yelled out, "what happened?" I heard Max say, "Mom, I didn't push him." Jackson was crying and Max was intent on letting me know that it wasn't his fault. Bottom line, Jackson fell down the stairs. I asked him where it hurt and he said, "my head." I gave him a big hug and waited for the crying to stop. He did rather quickly. I didn't think much of it because it was only 5 stairs and he wasn't crying. Later that night, Eldon and I were eating dinner at my Sister's and we noticed Jack limping. He was dragging his foot and his balance was totally off. I was getting worried that maybe he actually hurt his head???

We decided to put him to bed and to see if it would be better in the morning. No such luck. He was trying to walk and kept running into the wall. I took him to my pediatrician that morning and she said give him some motrin and call me in a week if its still bad. I thought hmmm. That is pretty non aggressive. So we decided to watch him closely for another day and then we would decide if we needed to do something else. The kid had never complained of anything, but couldn't walk. It was very weird. So on Tuesday I was putting some pants on him over his shoes and he screamed as I bent his foot forward. Afterward, his limp was much worse. He said to me, "Mom I need to go to the Dr." So I decided to take him to the ER at Childrens. I just wanted to rule out a broken leg with an x-ray. We took him down there and everyone there was just as mystified as I was because of the no pain, but crazy limp. Finally the Dr. zeroed in on his hip. We took him to get x-rayed and nothing was broken. WHEW!! But they said that the break could appear later. They also thought he had sprained his hip. I can't give him any pain medicine because I have to watch for a fever incase he gets infection in his hip. I guess that is common. Overall, it wasn't as bad as it could have been, and we still have a limping kid. So if he is still limping in a few days, we take him back. Merry Christmas!! Jackson keeps walking around saying, " I have a booken leg." It's very cute.

The biggest lesson I have learned is, you need to come extra prepared with toys, snacks, games, movies, anything when you go to the ER. Especially when your kid is two, not sick and wanting to run around even with a limp. It was worse than church. You can only do Insy Weensy Spider so many times!!


Mikelle said...

Spencer has a high tolerance for pain too. He had a broken arm and still did the monkey bars before getting a cast. These boys are resiliant!

Mandy said...

With two boys it is only a matter of time before someone breaks something (I am waiting still, but when it happens I am sure it will be a doozy) I hope your little guy is feeling better soon!