Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Update on the weird rash

The weird rash is poison ivy. I must be the most naive mother on the planet. I thought we were totally void of it on our property until some Landscapers came to give us some bids to do some work and pointed it out. I was terrified of it and wouldn't let the kids go near it. Well the Landscapers pulled it all out and apparently dragged it along the grass! Well my little Darth Vader was fighting invisible villans in the same grass that evening. Of course it was all over his face the next day. I just thought he was the special sick kid who got weird things from time to time. I guess that is usually my role so why would it not have passed on to my child? Anyway, he has poison ivy, he is on an oral steroid that is working fantastically and I think we are on the mend. He told the baby sitter today that he did not need any Benedryl for itching because it would just interfere with his plans. He knows it makes him tired. I was proud of him for actually turning down medicine. He did not get that from me, definitely his father's side on that one. I still don't think I could identify it even if I'm looking at the attached picture. I was not a very good science student. I better beef up on it!


Beth said...

I was totally going to guess that it was poison ivy. Doug and Dillon are very allergic. Dillon got it all over his face and neck last year and it lasted forever. You were much smarter than me to get the oral steroid.

Anonymous said...

That is so funny! At least he is getting better now. He is so cute!

Whit and Steve said...

I'm glad you got that figured out. Poor boy, I hope he recovers soon.