We have finally moved away from the level 1. After about $500 in swimming lessons and a year and a half later, we can now successfully dog paddle and hopefully avoid drowning. He is getting better everytime he has a lesson, but I just love the smile at the end of this. I have always loved the water. I really want my kids to love it and be confident swimmers. I remember at BYU going to a waterskiing activity with our ward. There were 28 year old weight lifter tough guys who were scared to death of drowning. I couldn't believe it. Max has really stuck it out and now loves it. I just need to start little dude Jackson when he turns three. I have put this video on our family website, but I just don't tire of it. Of course my favorite feature of the who thing is Max's goggles and scrunched up eyes. It's way cute in person.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Max can swim
Posted by Trish at 10:24 AM 3 comments
Friday, April 25, 2008
Food Storage Conspiracy Theorist????
I think I have become one of those weird people who is obsesses with food storage. I am truly motivated. Eldon is good for me since he is very practical in these matters and he grew up with a years supply of food always stored in his home. I always thought there were two kinds of members, food storage mormons and progressive mormons. I really thought those who canned their own food and had their food storage were definitely not progressive. Well here I am consumed with food storage and what do you do? I guess I'm finally growing up. Or I guess I'm finally getting a testimony of food storage. I have the shelves. I'm getting the food at the cannery, and we have our 72 hour kits. Last night I went to Kroger for an ice cream run and came home with a case of chicken noodle and tomato soup and about 40 cans of tomatoes??? I've got it bad!!!
Posted by Trish at 7:15 AM 3 comments
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Posted by Trish at 11:19 AM 5 comments
Friday, April 11, 2008
10 Years Ago:
Ten years ago I was still in school at BYU, 24 years old, very single, but writing a missionary who came home in 1999. He was younger than me, but somehow we had hit it off one summer before he left. I was selling security systems door to door for my friend Nicole’s husband’s company. It was straight commission and I was living more on credit cards than making money, but sales had become my passion. I was in love with waterskiing, my brother’s band, and hanging with my extended family in Salt Lake City. I think I was the Relief Society President of my BYU ward at the time too. I would deem this time as confusing as I had no idea where my life was going to go. I hadn’t really gotten to know Eldon yet, and my job was obviously not working out very well and I was going to be a history major? Yes I was a little concerned for my future at that point in my life.
5 Things On my To Do List Today:
1. Get warm jacket for half marathon tomorrow
2. Eat pasta tonight for carb overload before half marathon tomorrow
3. Wash some clothes for my family. Putting them away would be a little over the top
4. Finalize my massage appointment for tomorrow after I die doing the half marathon
5. Sleep please!
If I Had a Billion Dollars:-
-If I had a billion dollars, hands down the first thing I would do is get plastic surgery, ie sucked, lifted, and made much smaller in all areas.
-I would also pay for my sister to have multiple more in-vitro treatments to get her family here
-Of course I would have to pay off the obligatory debt.
-I would put my family on a plane and travel the world.
-I wouldn’t sell IT
-I would consider fixing the problems in my house, but really I would probably buy a new one.
-I would pay for any friend or family member to have plastic surgery. (who says that? You know we all want it.)
-I would love to buy the best camera that is out there, take a photography class and travel to the most beautiful places on the earth and try to capture it.
5 Jobs I've Had:
1. Courtesy Clerk (glorified name for a bagger at the grocery store)
2. Microfilm processor
3. Dominoes Delivery Driver
4. Door to door sales person
5. Executive Account Manager (My crazy title now)
5 Places I Have Lived:
1. UT
2. OH
3. CO
4. NH
5. OR
5 Things People May Not Know About Me:
1. I am addicted to American Idol.
2. I hate dressing girly. I love lazy athletic clothes and flip flops.
3. I have been to over 70 concerts in my life
4. I am a geek for gadgets. I love the latest techie things ie IPODS, TV’s, Surround Sound, HD anything even though I don’t have it at home. High end computing power.
5. I love talk radio. I know that makes me old, but I do like it.
Posted by Trish at 1:03 PM 2 comments
So Jackson has finally started talking. We ask him to say mom and dad which he does very well. Then we ask him to say "Max." He then instead of repeating Max, says HUN. I guess I have called Max Hon or Honey and he picked that up. I don't know, but I think it's hysterical.
Posted by Trish at 12:29 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Posted by Trish at 11:37 AM 3 comments