Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Max can swim

We have finally moved away from the level 1. After about $500 in swimming lessons and a year and a half later, we can now successfully dog paddle and hopefully avoid drowning. He is getting better everytime he has a lesson, but I just love the smile at the end of this. I have always loved the water. I really want my kids to love it and be confident swimmers. I remember at BYU going to a waterskiing activity with our ward. There were 28 year old weight lifter tough guys who were scared to death of drowning. I couldn't believe it. Max has really stuck it out and now loves it. I just need to start little dude Jackson when he turns three. I have put this video on our family website, but I just don't tire of it. Of course my favorite feature of the who thing is Max's goggles and scrunched up eyes. It's way cute in person.


Beth said...

Way to go Max!! You don't need to be an Olympic swimmer, you just need to swim well enough to water ski.

Jessica said...

Good job Max!

Marsha Weidner said...

that's my boy.