Friday, April 25, 2008

Food Storage Conspiracy Theorist????

I think I have become one of those weird people who is obsesses with food storage. I am truly motivated. Eldon is good for me since he is very practical in these matters and he grew up with a years supply of food always stored in his home. I always thought there were two kinds of members, food storage mormons and progressive mormons. I really thought those who canned their own food and had their food storage were definitely not progressive. Well here I am consumed with food storage and what do you do? I guess I'm finally growing up. Or I guess I'm finally getting a testimony of food storage. I have the shelves. I'm getting the food at the cannery, and we have our 72 hour kits. Last night I went to Kroger for an ice cream run and came home with a case of chicken noodle and tomato soup and about 40 cans of tomatoes??? I've got it bad!!!


Emilia said...

It is like you read my mind! This fabulous honesty while getting the job done is why I love you as our RS pres!

Anonymous said...

Eldon knows how to kill chickens and slaughter cows too right? Because he is from Benton city.....small town...:) Hee Hee. I will never let this go!!!

Jessica said...

I think that I've had that thought before about progressive Mormon's, but never actually put it into words. I've been feeling an urgency to get food storage too though, maybe because of everything I've been hearing about rising food costs, etc..