Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Disney World

Here are the three pictures from Disney. It truly is the happiest place on earth. It is for 2 year olds, 5 year olds, and 8 year olds. It is even more so for their parents who get to watch over and over again their kids in total amazement and true happiness. It was so great. I highly recommend it. After the cost of the tickets, we were able to really go pretty cheap by bringing our own food and water.

Here is Claire and Jack with Buzz and Woody. Claire fell in love with Buzz.

Max got to go to Jedi school Here they learned some cool lightsaber moves and then got to fight Darth Vader. Max was lucky enough to be able to use the force on the two Storm Troopers. He was really proud of himself after they went flying when he used the "force push".

I will try and post other pictures as I collect them from the other cameras on the trip.

Monday, October 17, 2011

I'm so sad

So this past week has been so sad. I lost my camera. Yes, my big Canon camera with my favorite lens on it. I have scoured my home and garage and car and it is no where. I have been up at nights trying to remember what happened. I had it Tuesday night as I was taking pictures of the kids in the leaves and then on Wednesday night when I went to take a picture of Max in his cub scout uniform, it was gone. I didn't take it anywhere to leave it. The only thing I can get to now is that it was stolen out of our house. Our power went out Wednesday morning and I disabled the garage door so I could manually operate it. I had the strongest feeling that I should lock the door from the house to the garage and I didn't do it.

Seriously I think the worst part is that I hadn't downloaded my pictures for awhile. I have no pictures from Max's baptism now or his birthday. I'm tearing up now as I'm sharing. We had a service man at the house that morning that worked outside our house and I've talked to his manager to see if it were at all possible that he took it. So for the time being I can only post the three pictures from our trip to Disney world that I bought off of Disney's website.

I love taking pictures and scrapbooking them. It's really my only hobby. So now I have a huge void and it really feels like a death. I know that is so crazy but I'm in mourning. I will get over it and probably buy a new one at some point, but I'm too sad to get there yet.