Tuesday, November 3, 2009


So I have not posted anything for so long. It has been a crazy few months. I thought I would just take after a friend and write a few things I have been thinking about.

1. I have great friends and family. Through this whole gall bladder thing, I have had amazing friends step up and pretty much take over. I am so grateful. Also, it is so nice to live by family. It is so cool to have my mom and sister so close. They are always there to drop everything when I need anything.

2. Gall bladders are weird things. They say you don't need them, but if you want to eat 90% of what is available you need one. At least until your body adjusts.

3. Surgery, hmmm don't really care for it. It really puts a cramp in routines!

4. Just like a dear friend of mine, I HATE LAUNDRY. Why is this the mom's job? Do the kids and husband wear clothes? Do they enjoy clean clothes? Is this one of those things that women got stuck with way back in the beginning and men have been secretly been laughing behind our backs for centuries? I believe so.

5. The Flu. I know there have been some very serious cases with very sad results. But I also would like to say that the media have made this CRAZY! I'm sure we are going to get it. I'm actually planning on it. I have purchased a new fancy thermometer to track the kid's temperatures when it happens. I have gotten my kids their flu shots. Max lectures me all the time about extra handwashing and so far so good. But even though Max is trying to help us in our vigilance, I'm still planning on getting the flu in our house. Is there anything wrong with that?

6. I have to admit, I'm really excited to see the Michael Jackson movie. I loved Michael as a kid. I even have really embarrasing stories around trying to break dance in front of a Michael Jackson impersonator.