Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy BIrthday Jackson!!

Happy Birthday Buddy!! Jackson is so full of life. He was by far the easiest delivery ever. I went to the Dr. at 38 weeks for my check up and they said, "Oh my, you are dilated to a 5!" I have no idea how that happened, but I was thrilled. 0-5 Centimeters with Max was awful!! They said, just go to the hospital when you are ready and they won't turn you away. So the next day we went. I was still at a 5. They gave me the penicillan for Beta Strep. The nurse said that the anasthesiologist would be going into surgery so if I wanted an epidural, I needed to have one then. I said, "Shouldn't I at least feel one labor pain?" They said, "WHY?" So I said, OK! I got the epidural, they broke my water and within the hour and two pushes, out he came!! 6lbs, 7 oz. TONS OF HAIR!! I mean, TONS OF HAIR.

The things I love about Jack is that he is so full of life but still has a sensitive side. He is all boy, but doesn't like you to be mad at him. He teases his brother relentlessly. He loves to be read to. He loves McDonald's chicken nuggets, fries, and of course RANCH DRESSING. He wakes up asking for candy. He goes to bed asking for cookies. Everyday when I drop him off, he comes running to me and says "HUGS AND KISSES. MAX TOO." He is so much fun and is definitely entering the terrible 3's. He looks just like his dad, and then he will give me a look that is my Grandpa Fred. I am so grateful that he is mine.

Here is his excited face this morning on his birthday. Happy #3 Birthday Jackson!!

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The Katzbox said...

Happy Birthday to your boy. Ain't they grand? Good job Mom!!!