Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Boy, Dog, and Insensitive Mom

Now when you look at this, you may say, look at how much this boy loves this dog. What amazing friends they must be. What a fulfilled life the two will have together. Then you learn that this is not his dog, it's a cousin's dog. This boy's mom has no intention of providing this type of relationship for him anytime soon. Is this cruel, or just an understanding that his mom is not a dog lover and having a new baby in 4 months?

It's the latter I promise. I keep telling Eldon that we need to enclose the fence in the back yard, and the boys need to be able to help. Yeah that's a few years away. Jack really did love this dog. He has named every other stuffed animal dog after her and will someday have a fantastic relationship with one. I just can't think about it right now.

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Joe and Liz said...

That is such a cute picture I must say, but don't do it. We have a dog and many times I would love to get rid of him. You don't want to have to deal with fleas, chewing up things, grooming, etc! Not fun!

Army Petes said...

Come on Trish! Take it for the team! I did! Scout would be on her way to the pound if it wasn't for the love of those little boys. They love her second only to Dave and I.

Emmy said...

DON'T DO IT!!!! I won't feel like such a jerk for not caving in . . .
Dogs require so much work, they cost a LOT, they pee on things and occassionally they smell.
I am sure I will get hate mail from this entry. But, in my defense. . . I am allergic too.
But still, don't do it!

kmon said...

DO IT! Your boys need the dog. Their cousin needs to be able to come over and play with the dog. They are worth the work and the boys will take care of everything I'm sure. You'll barely even notice the dog is there. Every boy needs a dog.

Emmy said...

Ha! And, I am sure Keith will come over three times a week and scoop the poop out of the yard. :)