Sunday, July 6, 2008

Flag Cake for Dinner??

We decided it would be fun to let the boys eat the last bit of flag cake all by themselves right out of the pan. There were raspberries on this cake and a whole lot more blueberries. This is the aftermath of the cake eating contest. Both boys had frosting in their hair, and all over their bodies. It's so fun to see them finally playing together. This activity took almost an hour. They were very wound up the rest of the night, but it was really fun to let them be free.

Here is the next scene. Getting cleaned up. Jackson is doing whatever Max tells him to and Max couldn't be happier. I guess it just took Jackson actually talking and responding to Max's orders for everything to come together.


Joe and Liz said...

Hi Trish!!! I'm so glad you found my blog. I have been wondering about you guys and what you've been up to. Your boys are cuties! I read your blog and that's awesome you did a half marathon! Joe and I just ran our first 5K while we were in Utah and that was fun, but hard too!! We've been gone for about 2 months visiting family in Utah so now we're back in TN with the yucky hot and humid weather! I hope we can stay in touch.