Saturday, June 21, 2008

Tagged by Becca

This is a really fun tag. 10 photos you have to take with out cleaning up first. So here is an introduction to reality at the Gale house.

1. Dream Vacation - The Four Seasons Hotel in Bora Bora. I think the picture says it all.

2. Self Portrait - My toes after I had the ingrown toenail surgery. I guess the Half Marathon was a little too much for my toes. I apologize for the remaining iodine on some of the nails that is truly disgusting.

3. What my kid is doing right now - It's a little grainy but you can see that Max is watching TV in his underwear and Jack is pretending to watch too.

4. My Closet - It's a disaster. So no pride here you go.

5. Favorite Room - Eldon and I love this room. It's finally done. We just sit in it at night and feel the peace. It's the only room that is clean 90% of the time. I LOVE IT.

6. Favorite Shoes - These are my beloved slippers. I love them. I wear them in all seasons and they make my feet very happy. Eldon hates these slippers with a passion, but he has never offered to replace them, so they are still my favorite.

7. My laundry room - This is the messiest room in my house 90% of the time. I should have put it as my closet since we always get dressed in here. I have in my mind a system but it has yet to be fully implemented. The clothes are on a table, they aren't piled that high off the floor.

8. Second Bathroom - I love this bathroom. I picked the colors and the mirror. I love it.

9. My Kitchen Sink - I can't believe the dishes were done. Lucky for all of us, it looks like this.

10. My Fridge - I declined to show you the inside. We stack everything we don't know what to do with on top of the fridge, and have lots of family pictures on it.

I tag anyone who would like to participate.


Emmy said...

I really want to do this, but I am such a wimp! If I do it, my vanity WILL take over and I will clean beforehand. . .guaranteed. So, does it count if I break the rules a little?

Emmy said...

p.s. Trish, I totally had that "procedure/surgery" done and I didn't think it was going to be a big deal and we were moving the next day! Bad decision! I was a wreck. . .BUT, no toe nail isses since! Yay! I have normal toenails! Also, it's great that it's summer because you can wear flip-flops without looking strange.

Whit and Steve said...

Are those the SAME slippers you had when we lived together?? I think they might be...

Trish said...

Actually Whit they are not, but they were modeled after those ones. You would understand my affinity for the eddie bauer fuzzy slipper. LOL